At unprecedented times like these, our team remains alert and ready to confront any looming fraud ahead. As individuals and companies remain laser focused on overcoming the crisis from COVID-19, professional fraudsters have taken the offensive. A barrage of recent news has shown many fraudsters have exploited the crisis and are using the panic to their advantage. Professional fraudsters realize corporations are most vulnerable during challenging times and are actively preying on the weak and vulnerable. 

Bad actors are also creating new hacking tools to steal valuable information that is carelessly exchanged through Zoom and related teleconferencing applications.  As insurance sales have rapidly increased through the internet, these could face threat from regular fraud rings. With this environment of lax controls and less risk enforcement, organizations may be facing a massive increase in fraud and related schemes. 

Now is not the time to let your guard down but rather work with us to improve risk avoidance tools and processes to safeguard against the anticipated major losses. Don’t allow your organization to fall victim to these schemes as business dynamics shift and much of your work force begins to work from home.  

Whether underwriting, claims, domestic or foreign, Diligence International Group has the tools and resources to overcome these challenging times.  Don’t let the fraudsters catch you unaware, unfocused or unprepared. 

Stay alert, stay vigilant and stay safe with Diligence.

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